Required Courses

SA 581 Basic Concepts in Archaeology (3-0)3

SA 582 Issues on digitizing the archaeological Record (3-0)3

SA 583 Digital Archaeology (3-0)3

SA 597 Research Methods and Ethics in Archaeology (Non-Credit)

SA 500 Seminar in Settlement Archaeology (Non-Credit)

SA 597 Thesis

Description of Required Courses

SA 581 Basic Concepts in Archaeology

This course introduces the basic concepts in archaeological thinking and research. We will examine the meaning and application of terms such as cultural evolution, social organization, material culture, landscape, chronology, ethnoarchaeology, environmental archaeology, survey and excavation, site, artefact, ecofact, stratigraphy, agency, ritual, etc. through a variety of case studies such as the origins of agriculture, origins of urbanization, development of symbolic thought and development of technologies.

SA 582 Issues on Digitizing the Archaeological Record

This course reviews the applications of digital technologies to archaeology. It starts with an introduction on the topic through a narrative of the history of "digital archaeology" and the reasons why should we consider digital archaeology as important continues with discussing what archaeology needs from the digital word, how archaeological data differ and what special requirements there may be there. It then continues by examining the application of various digital technologies in archaeology by case studies aiming to familiarise the students with the main areas of application, opportunities available, and pitfalls.

SA 583 Digital Archaeology

This course aims at introducing methodological and conceptual associations of digitising the practice of archaeology, and interacting with the past digitally. The integration of contemporary digital technologies into archaeological studies has become a necessity for every archaeological research project. Therefore, expertise in these areas are in high demand. In this course, issues on database management, informatics, digital visualization (3-D reconstruction, VR etc.), landscape modeling, GIS etc. will be introduced to the student in a holistic manner to prepare them for advanced expertise through the elective modules.

Elective Courses

SA 503 Anatolian Archaeology

Module 1: Exploratory Data Analysis in Archaeology

SA 502 Artifact Analysis and Quantification

CENG 302 Introduction to Database Management Systems

STAT 551 Probability and Statistic I

STAT 552 Probability and Statistic II

STAT 623 Spatial Statistics

COGS 502 Symbols and Programmin

IAM 30 Elements of Probability and Statistics

IAM 557 Statistical Learning and Simulation

IAM 664 Inverse Problems

IAM 592 Programming Techniques in Applied Mathematics II

AH 16 Architectural History Digital Humanities Lab

CONS 516 Heritage Recording and Information Management

ARME 502 Analysis of Data in Archaeometry

CEIT 390 Database Management Systems

Module 2: Spatial Analysis Techniques in Archaeology

SA 510 Spatial Analysis in Archaeology

SA 528 Landscape Analysis for Archaeologists

STAT 623 Spatial Statistics

GEOE 431 Introduction to Remote Sensing

GEOE 528 Remote Sensing

GEOE 447 Digital Terrain Analysis

GEOE 555 Principles and Applications of Imaging Radar Systems

GEOE 557 Geographic Infor. Sys. in Earth Sciences

GEOE445 Aerial Photography

GEOE443 Aerial Thematic Mapping

CONS516 Heritage Recording and Information Management

Module 3: Visualization, Modelling and Public Outreach

SA 584 Public Archaeology

SA 585 Introduction to Agent-based Modelling

ID 311 Computers in Design

ID 313 Interactive Multi-Media Design I

ID 314 Interactive Multi-Media Design II

MSC 549 New Media Technologies

MSC 501 Introduction to Media Studies

AH 516 Architectural History Digital Humanities Lab

THEA 499 Special Topics in Art

CONS 561 Architectural Photogrammetry

CEIT 323 Multimedia Design and Development

CEIT 506 Serious Games and Simulation

CEIT 504 Instructional Message Design: Theory, Research, and Practice

CEIT 724 Gamification and Instructional Design: Theory and Applications

IS 573 Human-Computer Interaction

ARME 707 Digital Archaeology of the Neolithic Transition