Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evangelia Pişkin
Last Updated:
- English
- Türkçe
Room No: 430 (Faculty of Architecture New Building)
Phone: (210) 6222
E-mail: ioannido(at)
Research Interests:
Environmental archaeology with emphasis on zooarchaeology, Taphonomy and quantification, formation of archaeological record and biases on archaeological record, Distribution of ecofacts (animal – plant remains) within inhabited space, use of space
B.A. Archaeology, Prehistory, Neolithic – Bronze Age, Greece.
M.Sc. Post Excavation data analysis (emphasis on environmental data), Dissertation: “Taphonomy of Animal Bones: a Study of the Survival of Epiphyses from Skeletal Representation Tables”, UK
Ph.D. “Taphonomic and Methodological Problems of Interpreting Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites: their Application on Bone Assemblages from Greece and England”, UK.
Research Projects:
On going:
TÜBITAK 114K271 “Batı Anadolu Arkeolojisi’nin ‘Kayıp’ Dönemi: MÖ 5600/5500-4500/4000BC”. Görev: Araştırmacı (Yürütücü: Doç. Dr. Özlem Çevik)
TÜBITAK 114Z356 “Güneydogu Anadolu'da Evcillestirildigi Bilinen Koyunun, Evcillestirme Merkezinden Batı Anadolu'ya Dogru Gidis Yolunda Geçirdigi Evcillestirme Sürecinin Antik mtDNA Kullanılarak Arastırılması” Görev: Araştırmacı (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. İnci Zehra Togan)
BAP-07-03-2014-013.: “Orta Karadeniz Arkeozoolojik ve Arkeobotanik Araştırma” Görev: Yürütücü.
BAP-07-03-2016-013 “Neolitik ve Kalkolitik Yerleşim Merkezi Ulucakhöyük’ün Eski Tarım Tekniklerine Dayanarak Arkeobotanik Açıdan Araştırılması” Doktora Öğrenci Projesi (Aylan Erkal). Görev: Yürütücü
BAP-07-03-2015-013 “Tokat'ta Bizans'dan Osmanlı'ya Kırsal Yerleşimler” Görev: Araştrmacı (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Burcu D. Erciyas)
Wenner-Gren Engaged Anthropology Grant “The Stories of Stones: Community Engagement and a Children’s Archaeology in Turkey” 2014 Wenner-Gren Engaged Anthropology Grant (in collaboration with M. T. Starzmann, McGill University, Canada). Görev: Danişman
TÜBITAK - 111T464 “Anadoludaki Çeşitli Arkeolojik Kazılardan Çıkarılmış Koyun Örneklerinden Antik DNA (aDNA) İzole Etmek ve aDNA’ya Dayalı mtDNA Haplogrup Tayini Yapmak”. Görev: Araştırmacı (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Inci Zehra Togan)
TÜBITAK -110B001. 2010-2011 “Arkeoloji Laboratuvarı” Görev: Yürütücü
TÜBITAK - 109K357 “Komana Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi”
Görev: Araştırmacı (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Burcu D. Erciyas)
TÜBITAK - 108K122. “Yukarı Dicle Vadisi M.Ö. 2. ve 1.Binyıl Sosyo-Ekonomik Yapısının Mikroarkeolojik Metotlar ve Kimyasal Analizlerle Değerlendirilmesi”. Görev: Araştırmacı” (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Gülriz Kozbe)
BAP-07-03-2013-020. 2013 “İkiztepe Arkeozoolojik ve Arkeobotanik Araştırma” Görev: Yürütücü.
BAP- 08-11-2011-007. “Hayvan Kemiklerinden Antik DNA (aDNA) İzole Etmek için Laboratuvar Kurulması, Komana Arkeolojik Araştırma Projesi Kazılarından Çıkarılmış Koyun Örneklerinden Antik DNA (aDNA) Elde Edilmesi ve aDNAya Dayalı mtDNA Haplogrup Tayini”. Görev: Araştırmacı (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Inci Zehra Togan)
BAP-07-03-2012-005 “Komana Arkeolojik Araştırmaları, Uzaktan Algılama Uygulamaları ve Malzeme Analizi” Görev: Araştırmacı (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Burcu D. Erciyas)
BAP-08-11-2013-027 “Arkeolojik Alanlardan Çıkarılmış Koyun Kemiklerinden Elde Edilen aDNA Kullanılarak Evcil Koyun Evrimini Anlamak” Görev: Araştırmacı (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Inci Zehra Togan)
BAP-08-11-2014-018 “Oylum Höyük Arkeolojik Kazı Yerinden Çıkartılmış İnsan Diş ve Kemiklerinden mtDNA Ekstraksiyonu, Antik DNA Dizileme ve Buna Bağlı Haplogrup Tayini” Görev: Araştırmacı (Yürütücü: Prof. Dr. Inci Zehra Togan)
Taught Courses:
SA 502 Quantitative Methods in Settlement Archaeology
The aim of this course is to introduce students of settlement archaeology the use of statistics and spatial analysis in their field of interest. At the same time, it teaches the use of SPSS software. Topics of the course include: quantifying description, statistical inference, correlation and regression analysis, classification and cluster analysis, factor and principal component analysis, correspondence, discriminant analysis, spatial analysis and sampling in archaeology.
SA 509 Human Biological and Cultural Evolution
ThisSociology, anthropology and archaeology, amongst others, aim to describe human society and to explain social change and its driving force. Archaeology has the particular attraction of time depth, a very necessary factor for understanding "change". At the same time it is lacking the "living observation" that typifies anthropological and sociological work. This course first examines the Evolution theory and the influence of this on the way the human society has been seen and interpreted through introductory lectures on Biological Evolution (from Darwin to Neo-Darwinism) and Cultural Evolution (from Spencer to Memetics and Evolutionary Archaeology). Then, the discussion moves to three major debates on important transformations in human biological and cultural evolutionary history: Homo sapiens vs. Neanderthals, Modernity of Human mind, shifting the mode of subsistence from Epipalaeolithic to Neolithic.
SA 512 Environmental Archaeology
This course is an overview of Environmental Archaeology techniques and their application to archaeological excavations. Specifically, the sub-disciplines discussed are Palynology, Archaeobotany, Palaeoanthracology, Zooarchaeology, Mollusc studies, Isotope analyses. The scope of the course is to present the theoretical framework and methodologies of each sub-discipline, the requirements for applying these techniques in the field, the laboratory work, sampling methods and the taphonomy of such materials.
SA 522 Advanced Topics in Environmental Archaeology
This course examines the contribution of environmental archaeological data to archaeological debates in a broader view. It is in seminar form and the students will present, discuss and debate case studies. Topics include: AT THE BEGGINING (of complex societies): Neolithisation, COMPLEX SOCIETIES: Feeding the cities, THE UNSEEN WORLD: Plant, animals and the ritual, TRADE AND ACCULTURATION: Exotic materials and exotic habits, SPATIAL ANALYSIS with environmental materials, THE FUTURE FROM THE PAST: Applied Archaeology.
Papers Published:
Pişkin, E. (In press) Chapter 10: Animal Bones from Iron Age Levels. In: G. Summers (ed.) Kerkenes Final Reports 1: Excavations at the Cappadocia Gate, Oriental Institute Press, Chicago University.
Pişkin, E. (In press) Animal Bones from the Palace at Kerkenes. In: G. Summers (ed.) Kerkenes Final Reports 2: Excavations at the Palace, Oriental Institute Press, Chicago University.
Pişkin, E. (In press) Zooarchaeology in Transitional Societies: Evidence from Anatolia, the Bridge between the Near East and Europe. UNESCO HEADS 6: The Origins of Food Production
Pişkin, E. (In press) Sacrifices at Šapinuwa: Evidence from Animal Bones. In: A. Suel (ed.) Proceedings of the 9th International Hititology Congress, 2015 Çorum, Turkey.
Pişkin, E. 2016. Urban Patterns of Animal Husbandry on Three Sites in Medieval Anatolia. In: B. Jervis, L. G. Broderick and I. G. Sologestoa (eds.) Objects, Environment and Everyday Life in Medieval Europe: 57-67. Turnhout Belgium, Brepols.
Ioannidou-Pişkin, E. 2015. Tios 2010 Kazıları: Hayvan Kemikleri Raporu/Tios 2010 Excavations: Animal Bone Report. In: S. Atasoy and Ş. Yıldırım (eds.) Zonguldak’ta bir Antik Kent: Tios/An Ancient City in Zonguldak: Tios: 361-364. Ankara, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı.
Pişkin, E. 2015. Byzantine and Ottoman Animal Husbandry at Komana. In: D. B. Erciyas, ve M. N. Tatbul, (eds.) Komana’da Ortaçağ Yerleşimi: 115-138. İstanbul, Ege Yayınları.
Piskin, E. and Tatbul, M. N. 2015. Archaeobotany at Komana: Byzantine Plant Use at a Rural Cornucopia. In: Erciyas, D. B. ve Tatbul, M. N. (eds.) Komana’da Ortaçağ Yerleşimi: 139-166. İstanbul, Ege Yayınları.
Demirci, S, Koban Baştanlar, E., Dağtas, N. D., Piskin, E., Engin, A.,Özer, F.,Yüncü, E., Doğ an, Ş. A., Togan, İ. 2013. Mitochondrial DNA Diversity of Modern, Ancient and Wild Sheep (Ovis gmelinii anatolica) from Turkey: New Insights on the Evolutionary History of Sheep PlosONE, Dec. 2013 vol. 8: issue 12 8, e81952
Ioannidou - Piskin, E 2013. An Iron Age Animal Bone Assemblage from Maşat Höyük. 28. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı: 5-18.
Ioannidou – Piskin, E. ve Baykara, D 2013. Zooarchaeological Studies at Burgaz: A Preliminary Report. 27. Arkeometri Sonuçları Toplantısı: 411-421.
Ioannidou, E. 2012. Animal Husbandry. In: Lightfoot, C. S. and E. A. Ivison (eds.) Amorium Reports 3. The Lower city enclosure. Finds, Reports and Technical Studies: 419-442. İstanbul, Ege Yayınları.
Ioannidou, E. 2011. Environmental Archaeology in the Southern Black Sea Region. Karadeniz’den Fıraat’a Bilgi Üretimleri. Önder Bilgi’ye Armağan Yazılar: 253-268 Ankara, Bilgin Kültür Sanat Yayınları.
Lightfoot, C.S., Arbel, Y., Ivison, E.A., Roberts, J.A. & Ioannidou, E. 2005. The Amorium Project: Excavation and Research in 2002. Dumbarton Oak Papers, 59: 231-265.
Ioannidou, E. 2004. The Animal Bones from the Neolithic Lake Settlement of Dispilio, Greece. In. H. Buitenhuis and L. Martin (eds.) Archaeozoology for the Southwest Asia and Adjacent Areas VI: 79-86.
Ioannidou, E. 2003. The Effect of Dog Scavenging on a Modern Cattle, Pig and Sheep Bone Assemblage Archaeofauna 12: 47-59.
Ioannidou, E. 2003. Taphonomy of Animal Bones: Species, Sex, Age and Breed Variability of Sheep, Cattle and Pig Bone Density. Journal of Archaeological Science 30: 355-365.
Papers Presented:
Pişkin, E. 2015 Chicken Husbandry from Roman to Medieval Times in Turkey. 21st EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) Annual meeting, 2-5 September, Glasgow, UK.
Piskin, E.. 2014 Chickens in the Late Byzantine Empire. 12th International Conference of Archaeozoology, San Rafael, Argentine.
Piskin, E. 2014 Zooarchaeology in Transitional Societies: Evidence from Anatolia,
the Bridge between the Near East and Europe. HEADS: Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social Developments. UNESCO World Heritage Thematic Programme 11-13 November 2014 Ankara & Çatalhöyük, Turkey.
Pişkin, E. and Bartokowiak, M. 2014 Environmental Archaeology: What is in a Name? 20th EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) Annual Meeting, 10-14 September, Istanbul, Turkey.
Piskin, E. 2014 Sacrifices at Šapinuwa: Evidence from Animal Bones. 9th International Hititology Congress, Çorum, 1-7 September Turkey.
Piskin, E. 2013 Upstairs – Downstairs in an Iron Age Capital: Meals and Others from the Palatial Complex and Cappadocia Gate at Kerkenes, Turkey 19th EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) Annual Meeting, 4–8 September 2013 in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
Pişkin, E. and Tatbul, M.N. 2013 Going Through a lot of Rubbish: Discard and Behavior in the Medieval Site of Komana, Turkey. EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) 19th Annual Meeting, 4 – 8 September 2013, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic.
Ioannidou, E. 2012 At the Sea and by the River: Early Bronze Age Animal Husbandry at İkiztepe, Turkey. World Archaeozoology Today: A symposium in memoriam of Emeritus Prof. Dr. Angela von den Driesch, 6th October 2012, Koç Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, Istanbul, Turkey.
Pişkin, E. 2012 What is a City: Animal Husbandry in Medieval Anatolia. EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) 18th Annual Meeting, 29 August – 1 September 2012, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Ioannidou - Piskin, E. 2012 Maşat Höyük’teki Demir Çağı Hayvan Kemklerinin İncelenmesı 34. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu 28 Mayis – 1 Haziran 2012, Çorum, Turkey.
Pişkin, E. 2011 The Diet of the Working Class in the Danishmendid Period, at Komana, Turkey. ASOR (American Schools of Oriental Research) Annual Meeting 16th -19th November 2011, San Francisco, USA.
Ioannidou – Piskin, E. ve Baykara, D. 2011 Burgaz Kazisi Zooarkeolojik Çalışmaları: Ön Çalışma Raporu. 33. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu 23-27 Mayis 2011, Malatya, Turkey.
Ioannidou, E. 2005 Environmental Archaeology at Ikiztepe. 30. Yılında İkiztepe Sempozyumu. 1st – 5th Eylül 2005, Bafra, Turkey.
Ioannidou E. 2004 “Environmental Archaeology in the Southern Black Sea”. Black Sea: Past, Present and Future, 4th – 16th October 2004, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Ioannidou, E. 2004 A Handful of Animal Bones and a Horse Leg from Iron Age Maşat Höyük, Turkey. ASWA (Archaeozoology of South West Asia International Meeting), 1st – 4th June 2004 Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Ioannidou, E. 2002 The Animal Bones from the Neolithic Lake Settlement of Dispilio, Greece. ASWA (Archaeozoology of South West Asia International Meeting) 30th August – 1st September 2002, University College London, UK.
Ioannidou, E. 2002 The Effect of Dog Scavenging on a Modern Cattle, Pig and Sheep Bone Assemblage. 9th International Conference of Archaeozoology 23rd – 28th August 2002, University of Durham, UK.
Ioannidou, E. 1997 Understanding the Economy of Mycenean Period in Northern Greece. SOMA (Symposium On Mediterranean Archaeology) 21st -23rd February 1997, Edinburgh University, UK.
Dissertations Supervised
2009 “Animal Bones Studies on Byzantine City of Amorium”, Derya Silibolatlaz, M.Sc. Degree Program in Settlement Archaeology, METU Institute of Social Sciences.
2009 “Crop Processing in the Early Bronze Age Houses of Ikiztepe: Identification and Analysis of Archaeobotanical Remains”, Ceren Cilingir M.Sc. Degree Program in Settlement Archaeology, METU Institute of Social Sciences.
2009 “The Impact of the Younger Dryas Period on Plant and Animal Food Resources of the Ancient Natufian Culture and Economy” Egemen Ferah, M.Sc. Degree Program in Settlement Archaeology, METU Institute of Social Sciences.
“Analyzing Faunal Materıal from Late Neolithic Phases of Ulucak Höyük from a Taphonomic Point of View” Safoora Kamjan, M.Sc. Dissertation, Settlement Archaeology.
“The Roof Systems in Houses of the Classical Period: A Case Study at Burgaz (Palaia Knidos)”, Kuzey Gökçe, M. Sc. Dissertation, Settlement Archaeology.
“The Two Bridges in Transition: Ancient Farming Techniques of the Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic Aegean and Marmara Sites”, Aylan Erkal, Ph.D Dissertation, Settlement Archaeology.
“Trade Relations of Ancient Burgaz from Archaic to Early Hellenistic: the Evidence from Amphorae” Ilham Sakarya, Ph.D Dissertation, Settlement Archaeology.
“Multı-Element Soil Analysis at Burgaz-Datça (Palaıa Knidos): A Study in Settlement Archaeology” Mina Şentek, Ph.D Dissertation, Settlement Archaeology.